There was an unchanged number of lawyers in good standing in Pickens County in November compared to the previous month, according to the South Carolina Bar.
The Pathologists’ Assistant program in the Anderson University College of Health Professions, the first such program in the state and one of few in North America, is now a reality.
Chamber Chatter is a chance to meet new Chamber members, hear the latest updates from the Chamber and network with other Chamber members, partners and investors. Coffee will be provided, and attendees will have a chance to share about their business or organization.
Join us for our Anderson Rising Networking Event as we watch the World Cup in partnership with the Anderson Chapter of The American Outlaws at Electric City Pizza Downtown Anderson.
Anderson University entered into an agreement with the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) University in Yaoundé, Cameroon, to enhance their educational programs.
Dr. Kolby T. Redd, MHA, PhD, FACHE, assistant professor in the College of Health Professions, passed her Board of Governors Fellowship Exam for the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) on October 29, 2022.
The Anderson University College of Health Professions has new bachelor’s degree program in Medical Imaging that's one of few in the region and country.