Shaheena R. Bennett Board President Elect of the SC Bar - Monks Corner |
Shaheena R. Bennett Board President Elect of the SC Bar - Monks Corner |
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period. Lawyers in good standing do not have any complaints or disciplinary actions being taken against them.
Despite the long history of the legal profession in South Carolina, the state has the nation's second-lowest lawyer-to-population ratio. There is currently only one lawyer for every 493 residents.
More than 1,000 ethics complaints have been made against South Carolina judges who handle the state's major cases in circuit court. However, there were no judges who were publicly censured.
As of June 2024, a South Carolina lawyer makes an average annual salary of $96,789 per year.
Lawyer Name | Name of Firm | Date of License Granted |
Jared Ralston Elrod | - | 11/13/2023 |
Amanda Surles | Oconee County Public Defender's Office | 12/13/2022 |
Eva Diaz | - | 11/14/2022 |
Lindsay Nell Castellaw | - | 05/16/2022 |
Thomas Cory Jones | Tenth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 08/17/2020 |
Ashaley Chrishton Boatwright | Boatwright Legal, LLC | 11/19/2019 |
Ashton Rains Gottschall | Hubbard & Gottschall Law, Ltd. Co. | 11/27/2018 |
William Kenneth Hubbard | Hubbard & Gottschall Law, Ltd. Co. | 11/27/2018 |
Christopher Michael Beeco | Tenth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 05/22/2017 |
Lauren Hydrick Koch | McLaurin Law, LLC | 05/23/2016 |
Jessica Robinson Deshon | The Law Office of Jessica R. DeShon | 11/16/2015 |
Carol Anne Johnson | Carol Johnson Law Firm, P.A., dba Special Needs Legal Advocacy | 02/02/2015 |
Andrew Kent Holliday | Derrick Ritter Williams & Morris, PA | 11/17/2014 |
Nathan Allen Guinn | - | 11/18/2013 |
Andrew J. Smith | - | 11/13/2012 |
Austin Grey McLain | McLaurin Law, LLC | 11/13/2012 |
Jason Christopher Alderman | Tenth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 11/13/2012 |
Ed M. McLaurin | McLaurin Law, LLC | 05/23/2011 |
Paul Allen Cain | Cain Law Firm LLC | 05/23/2011 |
Roberta Elizabeth Barton | Roberta Barton Law, Ltd. Co. | 05/23/2011 |
Tyler John Kathrein | - | 05/23/2011 |
Angela Frances Littlejohn | University of the People | 05/11/2010 |
Bethany Ann Blundy | Tenth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 05/11/2010 |
Bethany Ann Blundy | Tenth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 05/11/2010 |
Keith G. Denny | Law Office of Keith G. Denny, LLC | 05/11/2010 |
Mary Elizabeth Parrilla | The Parrilla Law Firm, LLC | 05/26/2009 |
Robert Joseph Oppermann | - | 05/26/2009 |
Clare C. Hodge | Military Justice Attorneys | 04/01/2008 |
Tjay M. Bagwell | Bagwell & Corley Law Firm, PC | 11/13/2007 |
Lisabeth Kirk Rogers | Rogers Law, P.A. | 10/16/2007 |
Richard Hunt McDuff | MJM Law, LLC | 10/16/2007 |
Scott Allmon | Absolute Law Firm, LLC | 05/24/2004 |
Michael Todd Simmons | Clemson University | 11/17/2003 |
Kimberly Welchel Pease | - | 11/13/2001 |
Blair Lowry Stoudemire | Tenth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 05/06/1996 |
Emma Wyatt Morris | Derrick Ritter Williams & Morris, PA | 11/13/1995 |
Robert R. Donato | Robert R. Donato, Esq., PC | 05/16/1994 |
David Wilson Plowden | David W. Plowden, Esq | 11/18/1992 |
Alvis J. Bynum | Dominion Energy Southeast Services, Inc. | 06/10/1991 |
Andrew R.H. Newton | Clemson University | 11/16/1990 |
Charles R. Hughes | - | 06/06/1990 |
Robert Scott Sprouse | S.C. Circuit Court | 01/08/1990 |
John P. Abdalla | S.C. Public Defender | 05/17/1989 |
Robert D. Frager | Clemson University | 11/16/1988 |
Karen Fowler Ballenger | S.C. Family Court | 11/23/1987 |
Kaye Davis Bourret | S.C. Department of Social Services | 11/21/1985 |
Suzanne E. Earle | Oconee County Public Defender's Office | 11/09/1981 |
Leslie Jay Shayne | - | 05/14/1981 |
Wilson W. Burr | W. Wilson Burr Law Office | 05/14/1981 |
William R. Owens | - | 11/05/1976 |
Timothy C. Merrell | MJM Law, LLC | 11/11/1975 |
Michael J. Smith | Michael J. Smith, Attorney | 11/01/1975 |
Richard Lee Ritter | Derrick Ritter Williams & Morris, PA | 09/30/1972 |
Gruber N. Sires | - | 09/21/1971 |
Alexander S. Macaulay | - | 09/25/1970 |
Larry C. Brandt | Larry C. Brandt, PA | 09/25/1970 |